City Council Strips You of Your Vote

City Council Strips You of Your Vote

Here you go… more Progressive Socialists stripping you of your vote. It no longer matters who you vote for, if the council decides your choice is unworthy, they will just remove your representative. With this ordinance you can no longer hope for change.

Those voted in favor of this ordinance apparently have been asleep for past eight-teen months when the Hill bill was being challenged in the courts and the Wyoming Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional. But heck, when did Progressives ever concern themselves with the Constitution.

So who are the council members he think they know better than you?

  • Paul Meyer, Mayor
  • Charlie Powell, Vice Mayor
  • Paul Bertoglio
  • Steve Cathey
  • Kenyne Schlager
  • Bob Hopkins


  1. Corinne Wagner

    It all begins at the local level. If we don’t take a stand on a local level, we will NEVER get anywhere on the federal level. It’s time to take our country back.

  2. judy jones

    I watched as they did this and could not help but wonder if this would even stand in a court of law or not. 2nd as long as you have schlager, myers and cathey. this council will get no respect from the general population. they are coming off as a joke of a team.

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