Month: <span>November 2021</span>

Month: November 2021

These Are The Good Old Days

Those of a particular generation are well known for reflecting in the rear view mirror of yesterday. Most roiling to younger generations is the hackneyed phrase, “Those were the good ole days!” Rear view mirrors serve a purpose. However, one’s obligated to spend more time looking though the windshield to …


Wyoming RINO Curses Out Colleague for Forcing Vote Against Biden’s Injection Mandate

~Source: Horowitz: Wyoming RINO curses out colleague for forcing vote against Biden’s injection mandate Daniel Horowitz In the state of New Jersey, a truck driver was able to defeat the most powerful man in the legislature, running against COVID fascism with an ad shot on his iPhone. In Wyoming, …


Patriot’s Passion Unleashed

Whether it’s Minneapolis or Charlottesville, rogue school boards, feckless legislatures, or city councils removing statues that offend them, the consequences are predictable. A loss of our liberties and an erosion of those permanent things that leave us often voiceless, frustrated, but ready to fight back. Enough is enough. But where …
