“Like Obamacare is to health care – nationalization – Common Core is to education.
And just as the goal of “redistribution of wealth” is to level the playing field, these new standards aim for “equality” in the classroom. Common Core, in a sense, is socialism in education.”
“Those Republicans and other supporters insist Common Core isn’t being driven by the federal government.
“But it is.
“Started by a big donation from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and carried forward by the 2009 Stimulus Bill, Common Core was the brainchild of the Washington, D.C.-based National Governors Association, Council of Chief State School Officers, and Achieve Inc.
The Department of Education then motivated states to adopt Common Core to be eligible for Race to the Top funding. To date, 45 states – including Wyoming – and the District of Columbia have adopted it.”
Read the full story here. ~ CodyEnterprise.com, Cody, WY