Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

Navigating the Fog

by Mike Pyatt In 1941, a Northeastern newspaper editor characterized Presidents Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln as “lighthouses in a foggy world.” It’s more than symbolism. Should we be shocked when our “moral light” has been extinguished in most of our public and private institutions of learning, inflicting relativism upon generations …


Mother Teresa or Dirty Harry?

by Mike Pyatt With the Midterms in the rear view mirror, the clamor from the mainstream media and political pundits are focused on whether civility will ever return. Is it only a hollow noun? It’s explicit that the blame rests solely on President Trump’s shoulders. With the House in the …


Well Done’s Better Than Well Said

by Mike Pyatt That quote, attributed to Ben Franklin, is nearly universally agreed upon as true, but compromised ubiquitously. As one who venerates the wordsmith and defends the majesty of language and eloquence of words, experience reminds this columnist that our human race talks incessantly. Whether it’s in the political …


Playing Cosmic Lottery

by Mike Pyatt As the Mega Millions jackpot enters uncharted territory to a record $2.2 billion, many previously disinclined to “gaming” have joined the gathering throng. Not only are they willing to pay the piper, it’s inestimable how many who haven’t prayed since second grade, may be cameoed briefly closing …
