Legends in Their Own Minds

Legends in Their Own Minds

Strange that a lot of Wyomingites feel that if you’re from out of state you should have no say in the state’s politics, yet are perfectly ok with the United Nations. The UN members are not only from other states, but countries too.

Stupid people can learn, but insane people cannot because they will not accept reality. The saying “Liberalism is a mental disease” is spot on – Liberals will not accept reality, their world view exists in their head and expect the world should conform to them. And the only thing they can agree on is that anyone that doesn’t conform to their world view are the enemy. This is why any compromise with Liberals is just another step into their world view, and is precisely why conservatives should never compromise with them.

Of course, what will the Liberals do, cry that you are racist, homophobic, mean, terrible, evil, etcetera. While conservatives have over the past decades of compromising with the Liberals, the Liberals have been winning the cultural war, a war that many conservatives have yet to recognize. This in part, has brought about the argument that U.S. Constitution is a living document because it no longer represents today’s “culture”. And is why our courts have deviated from the U.S. and state constitutions – thus creating a myriad of laws that have no semblance of America.

Hopefully with the Trump administration conservatives will uncompromisingly join the fight in the cultural war. Our country was never to be ruled by judges.
