The Wyoming Net


Selectively Extolling Death

Since creation mortals have had to confront the certainty of death. Someone labeled death as the “great equalizer.” With rare exceptions, most fight “tooth n’ nail” to cling to life. Some societies absent Judeo Christian underpinnings, honor, or extol suicide. The Kamikaze pilots from Japan considered it an honor to …


“Porkus Erectus” Isn’t Extinct

Wyoming’s known for fossils. Thermopolis’s identity is tied to dinosaurs of a past age. “Billions of years,” they tell us. Casper’s Tate Geological Museum dazzles the uninformed imagination of young kids, and naïve adults regarding earth’s age. Evolutionary paleontologist and anthropologist conveniently fill in all these gaps as if they’d …


The Fundamental Choice

By Bradley Harrington “No one could doubt that we had seen an achievement of man in his capacity as a rational being – an achievement of reason, of logic, of mathematics, of total dedication to the absolutism of reality.” – Ayn Rand, “Apollo 11,” 1969 – On Monday, July 20, …


When We’ve Had Enough

You had enough? Not a bad place to be. It’s not as if we have no choices. We have an array of options. We can give up, shut up, speak up, or stand up. We bemoan our current predicament. A rogue president. Lifetime politicians taking care of themselves. Very little …
