The Wyoming Net


14th Amendment Strikeout

Washington DC’s very own congressman “from Wyoming” has told us that Donald J Trump tried to overthrow the US government and, under provisions of the 14th Amendment, he must be banned from ever running for public office. Heck, maybe prosecuted for sedition! She knows all this because she was there in …


Profundity of Words Over Deeds

As one who advocates for the wordsmith and defends the majesty of language and eloquence of words, this columnist is also mindful that our human race talks incessantly. It’s nothing new. Whether it’s in the political arena, or in other realms of one’s life, too few rarely take a step …


These Are The Good Old Days

Those of a particular generation are well known for reflecting in the rear view mirror of yesterday. Most roiling to younger generations is the hackneyed phrase, “Those were the good ole days!” Rear view mirrors serve a purpose. However, one’s obligated to spend more time looking though the windshield to …
