The Wyoming Net


SF-104 and CCSS

Common Core Standards (aka: Common Core State Standards, CCSS) By now many know what CCSS is, and wonder why our Wyoming legislators and the governor insisted on ramming SF-104 through faster than a speeding bullet. CCSS is nothing more than a Socialist’s education dream come true (some even go so …


When Galaxies Collide

Galaxy Collisions: Simulation vs Observations Images Credit: NASA, ESA; Visualization: Frank Summers (STScI); Simulation: Chris Mihos (CWRU) & Lars Hernquist (Harvard). Explanation: What happens when two galaxies collide? Although it may take over a billion years, such titanic clashes are quite common. Since galaxies are mostly empty space, no internal …



Here’s a neat method for saving money on AA 1.5 volt batteries. Takes a little effort, but depending on how many of these batteries you use, you could save a lot. Watch the video.


Site Additions

A few features have been added to the web site. There is now a page available to sign up for the newsletter, and if you are logged in to the site you can unsubscribe. The page “Wyoming News” is a feed from various news sources that mention Wyoming, and the …
