The Wyoming Net


Stop Common Core Standards

Stop Common Core Myths Versus Facts Myth Common Core (CC) was a state-led initiative. Fact The CC standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, DC, without any representation from the states. Eventually the creators realized the need to present a façade of state involvement and therefore enlisted the National …



“The mainstream media, once tasked with the job of investigating government corruption and keeping elitists in line, has now become nothing more than a public relations firm for corrupt officials and their Globalist handlers. The days of the legitimate “investigative reporter” are long gone (if they ever existed at all), …


Two Ways of Doing Things

Sometimes there are two ways of doing things: the right way, and the way they do it in Cheyenne. Does SF-104 come to mind? Does increasing the gas tax come to mind? Does throwing your gun rights out the window come to mind? Does Common Core Standards come to mind? …
