The Wyoming Net


Two Ways of Doing Things

Sometimes there are two ways of doing things: the right way, and the way they do it in Cheyenne. Does SF-104 come to mind? Does increasing the gas tax come to mind? Does throwing your gun rights out the window come to mind? Does Common Core Standards come to mind? …


Giraffe test

There are 4 questions. Don’t miss one. 1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? Stop and think about it and decide on your answer before you scroll down. The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This question tests whether …


Missing Link in Newsletter

Sorry for any inconvenience for the missing link at the bottom of the emailed newsletter. There should have been a link to click on if you wanted to unsubscribe from the newsletter list. The other alternative is to log into your profile and deselect the option to receive our newsletter. …


Telling it like it is

Brutus on SF104 What is Senate File 104 all about? “It’s about certain legislators and a governor telling parents, taxpayers, and voters that they are too stupid to have a say in our state’s educational system through a Superintendent of their choice—not the Governor’s choice, their choice–the people’s choice.” Read …
