The Wyoming Net


Other “Gods” Come And Go!

by Mike Pyatt Facedown. That’s where a massive 38 feet tall bronze covered statue of the “Goddess of Mercy” landed, after doing a face dive in Okinawa, Japan, that didn’t survive Typhoon Trami. Also known as “Mother of Mercy,” Buddhist statue Kannon Same, stood there to “answer request of her …


Among Our Threats

by Mike Pyatt Expanding on my earlier Facebook post last week “Indulge Me Please” there’s more to say. The main thrust of that post was that within the last month in the U.S., we’ve graduated more than three million students from high schools and colleges, including those who’ve endured the …


Dodging Imminent Corruption

by Mike Pyatt The American population has been pushed into thinking about the 2020 election prematurely by the crowded Left leaning anfractuous Democrat field. The 2016 post election narrative that Trump stole the election persists to this day in congressional halls and by the 24/7 mainstream media peddlers. Hillary’s still …


Senator Braveheart

By Dan Brophy Wyoming: the least populated state, where cattle and pronghorn outnumber people. Where two bigoted cowboys murdered Matthew Shepard in 1998 because they hated homosexuals. Except that Shepard, involved in the meth trade, was murdered by his bisexual lover and another man (hardly cowboys) who were part of …
