The Wyoming Net


Revisiting Lamentations

by Mike Pyatt For those unfamiliar with the writings of the late Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer, evangelical theologian and philosopher, who published twenty four books, with a central theme of revealed Biblical truth in our modern culture, a pivotal work, written in1969, Death in the City, against the backdrop of …


With Predictability

by Mike Pyatt Four years ago this columnist wrote about a Cheyenne church that bucked the national trend, voting not to renew ScoutTroop102’s charter, in opposition to the Boy Scouts of America’s executive decision to admit openly homosexuals into their ranks. Two years later, permitting the same as Scout Masters. …


Country Above Self

by Mike Pyatt Our military branches boast a motto or creed, officially or otherwise, designed to convey the character of the men and women who serve in their respective uniforms. The Navy boast one that bears repeating-Non sibs sed partriae. ”Not for self, but county.” In our current culture, that …
