Democrats’ Stupidity

Democrats’ Stupidity

Democrats’ stupidity that is always on display is not for American conservatives’ consumption, rather it is for the Useful Idiots. For instance, the recent twenty or so Liberals that posted videos with all of them saying the same narrative is right out of the Nazi propaganda playbook. Keep telling a lie, long and often, and the Useful Idiots will believe it. The Commies don’t care what we think or say, they just keep the lie going.

That being said, are all of the Liberals smart in the cultural war of lies, not at all. Many of them are nothing more than talking-heads for the DNC. Conservatives need to understand this, the DNC puppet masters are their generals, and the battle field is, as communists like to say, the masses. The cultural war is not for geographic land, it’s for the minds of the people. Once a majority of peoples’ minds are indoctrinated with the lie (narrative) of any particular land (state, country, etc.) then the Communist can control it through their Useful Idiots.

Although our Founding Fathers fought for the thirteen colonies, the main thrust of the conflict was the idea of Freedom and Liberty. The idea that people can rule themselves was a concept contrary to political norms of its time, nor any time in the past – completely antithetical form of any government before.

And this is why dictators, Communist, Socialist, or whatever title the tyrannical people use, hate Liberty.


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