Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

Letter to Physicians: Have You Checked Your 1947 Nuremberg Code Today?

Copied; Source: Deep Capture by Patrick Byrne October 25, 2021 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Medical Profession: I’m old enough to remember when physicians were held in regard like deacons. Medicine was understood to be “not a profession but a calling” (as the cliché ran). It was not uncommon …


An Existential Catastrophe

It’s a gross understatement that few literary works evoke such vitriolic reaction to a fictional character as existentialist Albert Camus’ 1956 book, ”The Fall.” One college student reportedly reacted, “I would like to punch Camus’ absurd hero, Jean-Baptiste Clamence in the face.” Camus, as with Sartre, had no sufficient reference …


Mother Teresa or Dirty Harry?

With Joe Biden’s plummeting support at a historic low, the clamor from the mainstream media and political pundits are no longer focused on whether civility will ever return. Mainstream media’s constantly foisting the blame on former President Trump’s shoulders no longer resonates, attested by the dismal ratings of Biden’s lack …


Can Self-Serving Be Curtailed?

Self-interest is often confused with self-serving, that, in the end renders one to be questionable of certain duties. Self-interest for one’s family is commendable. Or one’s health. History has been an astute observer that self-serving was inimical to the cause of liberty at our Founding, as it rears its ugly …
