Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

Keeping Our Eyes Wide Open

by Mike Pyatt While the scientific world’s astro-physicists are dazzled by the M87 Galaxy, first ever black hole photo, in the Virgo Constellation, #RealBlackHole, most serious minded citizens must keep their gaze fixed upon earthly domestic matters. Those with children recall what happens when mom and dad are fast asleep. …


Why Are Elitists In Charge?

by Mike Pyatt Immediately after the long awaited Mueller Report, that failed miserably to deliver what the Democrats and Progressive Left had hoped and planned, for nearly two years, MSNBC’s, with Morning Joe, and CNN’s, with Chris Cumo, ratings tanked for a few dismal days. Why? Could it be that …


Fiercely Resisting Deception

by Mike Pyatt How often has one heard, ”He seemed like such a nice, honest guy.” Belatedly discovering that he was a scoundrel, or worse. History’s replete with stories or events chronicling accounts of being deceived by external appearances and beguiling behavior. So you once opined confidently prior to this …
