Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

Hide Your Wallets

by Ed Cassidy I sent this to all of them. Opposite ends of the same predatory bird. Ed Dear Representatives and Senators, after reading this op-ed I pondered how once again the Wyoming Legislature can try to inflict the costs of their fiscal irresponsibility on the taxpayers. Of course, that’s …


First, They Came for the Tamales

by Michelle Sabrosky A post in Casper Classifieds today (1/19/19) came from a gentleman known as “Tamale Mike.” He has been selling tamales on Facebook, and was recently informed by an attorney that he was under investigation. Tamale Mike’s post stated, 

“To those that are selling food on fb. Be …


Mirrors and Reunions – Gut Checks on Reality

by Mike Pyatt Given a culture driven by glamour, pretense, pomposity, Facebook, Instagram, and selfies, it’s inexpedient to ignore externality. Like it or not, from birth, genetics play an irreversible role in one’s predominant endomorphic, ectomorphic, or mesomorphic physique. With slight variation, we’ll drag that basic frame to the grave. …


Expunging Western Civilization and Individual Liberty

by Mike Pyatt James Fenimore Cooper, best known for his1841, The Deerslayer, warned in his publication, The American Democrat, that equality is widely misunderstood, maintaining it isn’t absolute, “The very existence of government infers inequality,” and “liberty like equality is a word more used than understood.” He stated “that perfect …
