Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

Advocates of Gun Control

Advocates of gun control, Communists, Socialists, Liberals, Progressives, and democrats, all want the same thing; taking citizens’ ability to defend themselves from a tyrannical government. All of whom continually lie about their objective. And many of them are referred to by Communist as useful idiots. Their arguments are totally illogical …


On His Side

by Mike Pyatt President Abraham Lincoln purportedly replied to a letter regarding the North and South War, asking him if he believed God was on his side. He said, “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for …


So Cal Berkeley’s Back?

by Mike Pyatt At a higher education symposium, in early 1960, a parent asked naively, “Why be educated?” The reply, “Because statistically an educated man makes so much more money a year.” A student who rejected that “impoverished value,” asked, “Why make more money?” A erudite professor opined, “So that …


The Last Speed Bump

by Mike Pyatt Not the indie folk band from Ohio, or the cartoon series from Dave Coverly. Rather a family of traffic calming devices that use vertical deflection to slow motor vehicle traffic. Used worldwide to enhance traffic safety conditions, they conversely pose mechanical hazards to smaller sport cars, or …
