Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

Did We Get A Reprieve?

by Mike Pyatt That cacophony is the collective sigh of relief from Americans that the 2016 anfractuous Presidential battle is history, and the boisterous cheers celebrating the stunning outcome as Donald Trump turned politics on its head, seizing the White House. We dodged a corrupt career politician. She and her …


When Rinky-Dink Prevails

by Mike Pyat Few readers remember a 1962, corny instrumental, organ prominent recording by Dave “Baby” Cortez, titled “Rinky Dinky,” that was reminiscent of roller rink music that one may hear at the historic Wagon Wheel Roller Rink in Mills, Wyoming. It charted high during the Rock N’ Roll era. …


Farewell To That Kid From Fargo

by Mike Pyatt The roar of the small Beechcraft Bonanza’s engine pierced the silence of the cold, early morning, struggling to break the bonds of gravity. It wasn’t airborne for more than thirty seconds before it plunged rapidly, crashing to terra firma, killing all aboard, near Clear Lake, Iowa., February …


Comforting And Afflicting

by Mike Pyatt The 2016, GOP and Democratic hopefuls have beset us with both. Many of us are capable of doing one or the other-few can do both. Some admit willingly “comforting others” is not their gift. Most of us are far better at objurgating. Words may serve as a …
