Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

What Price For Our Vote?

We’re reminded, “Politics is a full contact sport.” To the average citizen in Wyoming, or elsewhere, there’s a clear, precipitous decline in public confidence in organized and institutionalized structures of government, except unprincipled D.C. Beltway politicians and lobbyists, driven by careerists impulses. One of the obstacles we face is the …


An Ode To Winged Marvels

It’s not a Boeing 777. Most agree raptors are regal and lofty. Ornithologist revere them. However, a recent, unanticipated playlet by the inimitable humming bird, reminded this writer of this winged marvel’s uniqueness, shrouded in mystery. It transcended banality. Darting capriciously, nectar savvy, with the hum of it’s wings, was …


Confessions Of An Opinion Columnist

A “peek” at a columnist’s “inner sanctum.” No tawdry or salacious revelations. Most have read syndicated columnists, Cal Thomas, and George Will, who have a legendary following. Both enjoy great admiration, especially among those with a conservative bias. They’re inclined to write primarily about political and cultural events. Will has …
