Category: <span>Judicial</span>

Category: Judicial

BREAKING: Violations of the Wyoming Constitution

This Complaint calls into issue matters of great public importance and concern over the pervasive efforts of the Wyoming Legislature to exceed its constitutional authority and to assume executive functions. At issue are contracts and actions taken with respect to what is known as the “Capitol Square Project.” Where the …


Shadow Boxing

One of the most memorable radio programs, in its’ heyday, was The Shadow Knows, a drama that began as a pulp magazine series, then graduated to radio in the early 1930’s. The principle character was Lamont Cranston, and his female companion, Margot Lane. He opened each drama with, “Who knows …


Wyoming Supreme Court Rules: SF-104 Unconstitutional

This is great news for Wyoming. “In its opinion, the Supreme Court said the Wyoming Constitution does not give the Legislature unlimited authority to prescribe the powers and duties of the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Lawmakers must ensure the superintendent has ‘general supervision of the public schools,’ …

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