Tag: <span>Mike Pyatt</span>

Tag: Mike Pyatt

Where Are The Images?

by Mike Pyatt Americans value photos and images. We’re reminded a picture’s worth a thousand words. Six years of unrelenting televised anti-war protests softened an ever obsequious public’s will against the Vietnam War. The graphic photos hastened its demise. The New York Times and other major news outlets did their …


Moral Motions Meet Economic Prosperity

by Mike Pyatt Many confuse micro and macro economics. Few understand the marginal propensity to save or consume. Most understand a three percent GDP has investors and markets mesmerized. Conservative economists attribute the impetus to President Trump’s turbo charged economic stimulus. Craft and trade workers, those who “shower after work,” …


Christmas In The Rearview Mirror

by Mike Pyatt  Christmas 2017, is on the books. The National Retailers Association bragged about a record Christmas, both in brick and mortar, and online sales. Economic optimism and President Trump’s turbo charged economy appear to be the drivers behind that report. Consumer Reports said millions are still hamstrung with …
