Tag: <span>Mike Pyatt</span>

Tag: Mike Pyatt

Our Conflicted Views On Death

by Mike Pyatt Since creation mortals have faced the certainty of death. It’s the “great equalizer.” With rare exceptions, most fight “tooth n’ nail” to cling to life. Few societies, absent Judeo Christian underpinnings, extol suicide, notwithstanding Oregon’s, 1997, abominable, ill-named, “Death with Dignity Act.” WWII Japanese Kamikaze pilots considered …


Shangri-La Exposed

by Mike Pyatt Even though such a place is imaginary, an idyllic paradise from the scene of James Hilton’s 1933, novel Lost Horizon, for millennia misguided dreamers have longed for such a place on earth. The movie sequel depicted a place hidden in a Nepalese mountain valley, where greed and …


No Fond Farewell in Wyoming

by Mike Pyatt Wyoming’s sagging economy sent some of the best companies packing. There’re signs of some reversal. Rig counts have risen. Rail traffic out of Bill is still relatively anemic. Fortunately tourism is the bright spot in our economy. For the first time since 1918, the Total Solar Eclipse …


Honesty And Outcomes

by Mike Pyatt A compelling question, worth consideration, regarding honesty, may be, “Why would anyone rather be dishonest?” In “Gulliver’s Travels,” Jonathon Swift confronts his readers in a “Voyage to the Houyhnhnms.” This race of horse creatures were so rational they found dishonesty incongruous, nearly unintelligible. One explained to Gulliver, …
