The Cost of the Good ol’ Boys to Wyoming Taxpayers

The Cost of the Good ol’ Boys to Wyoming Taxpayers

Regarding those legislators and the governor who stripped Wyomingites’ rights, SF-104;

“Of the 15 people providing negative statements about Hill, 11 received salary increases or promotions immediately after the report was released. That’s right, stepping up for the good ol’ boys is a wise financial investment.”

“After unprecedented improved standardized test scores in Hill’s first two years, she was removed, and in the third year, scores plummeted across the state and the composite ACT was the lowest in Wyoming history. All this occurred after SF104 was put in place and after the governor quietly signed Wyoming up for Common Core Standards and increased federalization of your child’s education.”

Read the full story here.  ~ The Ranger

So just who voted for SF-104? Click here to find out.

Isn’t it time to replace those who have so little concern for your children? Who prefer federal dollars over your child’s future.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

~ Edmund Burke
