The Wyoming Net


Confessions Of An Opinion Columnist

A “peek” at a columnist’s “inner sanctum.” No tawdry or salacious revelations. Most have read syndicated columnists, Cal Thomas, and George Will, who have a legendary following. Both enjoy great admiration, especially among those with a conservative bias. They’re inclined to write primarily about political and cultural events. Will has …


Not A Vending Machine?

Since the first vending machine, in 1888, in NY City, dispensing Adam’s gum, few have been exempt from a familiar frustration. Not getting the item, for which we deposited our money. Worse yet, we didn’t even get our money back. Outrage is eclipsed only by a litany of expletives spewed …


Is Loitering Permitted?

Most of us have seen, at one time or another, a sign prominently posted, “No loitering!” It’s not as common as it was years ago. In some locales loitering may be prohibited by a local ordinance, or have the full force of the law accompanied by a monetary fine, free …


Getting Beyond Pedantry

Caution! Don’t tell a perfectionist minutia isn’t important. You risk incurring their wrath. It’s uncertain whether they’re born that way, or not. Either way, details are everything. “There’s a reason,” they vow. We who round off our checkbook, it’s unfathomable. In 1954, a love song charted in the UK and …
