The Wyoming Net


Mugged By the Judiciary

by Mike Pyatt A Michigan mother faces incarceration for not vaccinating her nine-year old son. Rebecca Bredow says she’d rather face jail time than vaccinate her son. “I would rather sit behind bars standing up for what I believe in, than giving in to something I strongly don’t believe in,” …


The Enigma of Circumstances

by Mike Pyatt What parent hasn’t warned their offspring about crossing the street before looking both ways? And how many have ignored that warning? Some kids learned the the hard way. Those that survived were usually wiser. Some circumstances are momentary or temporary, subject to change. Others are permanent, lifelong, …


Taking A Stand

by Mike Pyatt Early patriots took a stand-one that cost many everything. Our stand isn’t as life threatening, but the cost will be incalculable if we relent. “We must be certain where we stand before firmly planting our feet there,” someone sagely warned. That’s true for Christians and co-belligerents. Even …
