Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

Legitimate Fear

by Mike Pyatt FDR, in his 1933, inaugural address, told Americans, “the only thing to fear is fear itself.” Not everyone has that steely resolve. The growing threat of Issis is ominous. Our Commander-in-Chief tells us “they are on the run.” Germany, Italy and victims of Orlando and San Bernardino, …


Why I Support Chuck Gray

By Michelle Sabrosky Honesty and integrity are important to me, and that is why I happily support Chuck Gray in Wyoming’s House District 57 Republican primary. Chuck is about as honest and forthcoming as a man can get, and his commitment to accountability has certainly caused some tsunami sized waves …


Turkey’s Upheaval-A Lesson?

by Mike Pyatt The average Wyomingite cares about Turkey-at Thanksgiving. This week-end’s failed military coup to topple Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan, (pronounced air-doo-won) thrust Turkey (ancient Asia Minor) to the media forefront. Many world political leaders condemned the attempted coup, claiming that Erdogan has “constitutional authority,” and “duly elected.” Others …
