Category: <span>Editorial</span>

Category: Editorial

Measles Epidemic

Measles, the latest scare. And how many have been infected in America? 84? And it’s sure to spread. It’s become a national problem and something has to be done – fast! The cry for something to stop this epidemic. Vaccinate, vaccinate is the cry, save the children. Yet the greatest …


The Republic, What is it?

One of the most important (if not the single most important) things to make people aware of when dealing with restoring the Republic is the understanding that the Republic is not a place or a time. It is the nation that enforces the Constitution for the United States of America. …


Republican Congressmen Sell Out Voters and Support John Boehner!

“If we want to win back our nation, then we have to stop electing these soft, spineless, pseudo-conservatives and start electing people who will stand by their principles and vote their convictions. It’s easy to talk a good game, as Loudermilk, Hice and others have shown us. Now let’s find …
