Category: <span>Elected Officials</span>

Category: Elected Officials

Al Simpson Demands!

“Simpson demanded that the Tea Party learn to compromise”. Demanded! Wow! “We’re in this situation we’re in because you and your cohorts have done nothing but compromise for the last forty years,” DiLorenzo told Simpson. It seems the good old boys like to keep things nice and cozy. Yeah, that …


Breaking: Rep. Tom Lockhart Violates WY Constitution

WY State Rep. Tom Lockhart Violates WY Constitution 7-term Republican paid over $1million by coal company while sponsoring and voting on bills that benefit the company directly   GRASSROOTS ALERT!! GO VIRAL WITH THIS IMMEDIATELY!! Send this to every WY email contact, post to Facebook pages, Twitter, etc! TIME IS …


The Hidden Tax

The cost to the American people of hidden taxes within government regulations is staggering! Congress continues to abdicate their authority to unelected bureaucrats in several federal agencies forcing businesses to pay for compliance. In the end, the consumer is left holding the bag for these compliance costs. And we see …
