Tag: <span>Mike Pyatt</span>

Tag: Mike Pyatt

Dodging Imminent Corruption

by Mike Pyatt The American population has been pushed into thinking about the 2020 election prematurely by the crowded Left leaning anfractuous Democrat field. The 2016 post election narrative that Trump stole the election persists to this day in congressional halls and by the 24/7 mainstream media peddlers. Hillary’s still …


Such A Time As This

by Mike Pyatt While the growing field of 2020 Democrats line up to attempt to unseat President Trump, GOP conservatives salivate at the prospects of watching Democrat fisticuffs until the convention in Milwaukee. Navigating this political minefield, trying to maintain political equilibrium, one must grasp the gravity of this unveiling …


Scared Stiff?

by Mike Pyatt Some may recall the failed “Scared Straight” initiative, a 1978, 52 minute documentary narrated by Peter Falk, with a group of juvenile delinquents in a three hour session with hardened convicts, at New Jersey’s Rahway State Prison. It was an attempt, albeit unfruitful, to terrify young offenders, …


Keeping Our Eyes Wide Open

by Mike Pyatt While the scientific world’s astro-physicists are dazzled by the M87 Galaxy, first ever black hole photo, in the Virgo Constellation, #RealBlackHole, most serious minded citizens must keep their gaze fixed upon earthly domestic matters. Those with children recall what happens when mom and dad are fast asleep. …
