“Well Done Is Better Than Well Said.” That quote, attributed to Ben Franklin, is nearly universally agreed upon as true, but compromised ubiquitously. As one who venerates the wordsmith, defends the majesty of language and eloquence of words, experience reminds this columnist that our human race talks incessantly. Talk shows, podcasts, TV infomercials; we’re bombarded with blather and prattle incessantly. It could be described anatomically as, “Severe diarrhea of the lips.” Whether it’s in the political arena, or nearly every realm of one’s life, a growing number rarely take a step in the direction of translating words into deeds. A crude bromide captures this principle, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Theologically it’s flawed. But on a practical level it’s hard to refute. Words must translate into behavior. How often do random words bandied about, turn into a chain of broken promises?
The average citizen knows it’s sadly true-people spend more time talking and dreaming than being engaged in actionable outcomes. For those engaged in advancing Liberty understand that many talk about it-but too few do anything about it. For those who were ardent supporters of our 45th President’s 2020 campaign, “Promises Made-Promises Kept.” His harshest critics admitted Trump had done what he said he would do. A rarity in politics. Though they vehemently hate him, they understood his action matched his words, much to their chagrin. Patriots know our political landscape is the poorer since he left the White House. Now we have a president unfit to run a kid’s lemonade stand.
If one can grasp that one doesn’t have to do everything at once, but one must do something of noble, principle, purpose or substance, that validates one’s words are more than vacuous rants or meaningless syllables. It’s less about cynicism than about reality. We may never reach the apex of our field, but surely our intrinsic worth’s beyond empty talk, promises or grandiose schemes that never materialize. For admitted political junkies, it doesn’t take much to stoke our political caldron. However, for the average citizen, it only crosses their minds every two to four years-if then. Although in the past two years many, who’ve watched their liberties evanesce before their eyes-have awakened to the cause of Liberty and their role in advancing it.
Ask nearly anyone who has entered the political fray, and they’ll admit it can be a lonely trail. However, in the Natrona County, 2022 midterms, with record turnout, most grass root Liberty candidates had strong volunteer support and a boots-on-the-ground army. Not the norm in political circles. Too often, talk overshadows action. Not this election cycle. In Natrona County grass root candidates dispatched four establishment legislators, with a message attached, “No more business as usual. No more empty promises.” Those failing candidates felt the full force of Liberty that emphasized action over empty promises. Ask Liz Cheney, the poster girl for getting shellacked.
Poet Robert Frost, on talk, wrote, “Half the world is composed of people who have something to say, and yet very few say, and can’t; and the other half who have nothing to say, and they keep on saying it.” Another apropos quote, “After all is said and done, more is said, than done.” Sadly, it’s a powerful force in this age of soaring rhetoric and sinking sincerity. God only knows the myriad of His creation that are permanently thwarted, still pondering whether to get involved in something bigger than themselves, or remain on the sidelines, where it’s safe but banal. It may be the better part of valor to cross that line, and suffer incalculable consequences, than to merely gaze at that line for the remainder of one’s life. One octogenarian remarked, reflecting upon his regretful life of inaction, “By the time I got it all together, I forgot what I’d hoped to do.”
Those who embrace their calling, find participation easier. In this pilgrimage, having a few close allies, compatriots, and likeminded souls, that one can count on, as reliable as the sunrise, and nearly as bright, whose word is their bond, is an unmitigated God sent blessing. Such a group of Patriots thrive at Libertysplace4Uwy.com Join us. Of those remaining, some friends, whose words far exceed their action, as one discovers their urges are more serendipitous than strategic. One must distinguish the difference before embarking on any endeavor requiring external help. Wasn’t it Plato who said, “Empty vessels make the loudest sound?” We’re all flawed, and miss the mark. None are exempt from the malediction to prattle. The question’s simple, “Where’s your sphere of influence?” Your fingerprints should be all over it. Enough fingerprints to indict you.
Maturity enables one to understand that commitment is doing that which one pledged to do, long after the indigenous impulse has taken flight. A missing piece of this puzzle is for one to avoid overcommitment. Nothing wrong with teaching one’s lips to utter a timely, “No!” Striking a balance between the intersection of one’s interest and calling. We may influence others, but we aren’t responsible for their actions. Shaming and blaming are short term, countervailing motivators.
It’s not a matter of economic prosperity either. Prince or pauper can take action. Apathy numbs the soul and shackles resolution. America needs fewer “life coaches” and more players. Superfluity of words are the oxygen of politicians, marketeers, slick prosperity preachers, and thespians. Jesus said, “By their fruits you shall know them,” not excuses or disclaimers. There’s no similitude between words and deeds.
Make no mistake. There’s a time for clear unambiguous words. Strong words. Noble words for noble causes. Righteous words and just words, that are directed at bullies, elites, or tyrants, who are hell-bent on intimidating those they know will cower, recoil, and retreat. A time for crossing swords. Tough words that must be backed up by resolute people, with tough responses, daring those who threaten ours, or others, individual Constitutional Liberty. Be prepared to defend those words. That time is now, and reminiscent of Jordon Peterson’s warning, “If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.” We’ve had our fill of weak men.
John Greenleaf Whittier put it succinctly, “For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest of these, ‘It might have been.’” 19th century novelist, and author of “The Scarlet Letter,” Nathaniel Hawthorne urged us, ”Preach! Write! Act! Do anything, save lie down and die.” With a profusion of talkers, thank God for doers. We should do no less. This generation will mimic our behavior. What will they see? Liberty’s contagious, but not self-perpetuating. What do you think?
Mike Pyatt’s a Natrona County resident. His email’s mikepyatt44@gmail.com