The Wyoming Net


Democrats’ Stupidity

Democrats’ stupidity that is always on display is not for American conservatives’ consumption, rather it is for the Useful Idiots. For instance, the recent twenty or so Liberals that posted videos with all of them saying the same narrative is right out of the Nazi propaganda playbook. Keep telling a lie, …


Trump Vs. Democrats

In Blonde Theory Via Facebook post My biggest takeaway from Trump’s address is: that that the Democrats are completely broken. The optics could not have been worse. The Democrats have been relegated to holding signs in the corner and pouting – while Trump cleans up the mess THEY created. They …


Legends in Their Own Minds

Strange that a lot of Wyomingites feel that if you’re from out of state you should have no say in the state’s politics, yet are perfectly ok with the United Nations. The UN members are not only from other states, but countries too. Stupid people can learn, but insane people …
